When I got the email, I was beyond excited. I felt like I just gotten the golden ticket because I was one of eight students who would represent OU Law at the 2019 American Bar Association Techshow in Chicago, Illinois with Professor Brice, Director of Innovation and Technology.


​I work in the OU Legal Clinic, where a majority of our civil cases involve family law matters for low income clients. The work comes with the some of the best rewards. But it also comes with some daunting challenges—especially when funds are tight. With my passion for family law as a focal point, my mission at Techshow was to see how emerging technology can better assist and serve low income clients. To my surprise, I accomplished this mission with ease.


In divorce and custody cases, communication between the parties is often strained and disjointed, but it is one of the most important elements of being able to effectively co-parent and nurture the best interests of the children. While there are established platforms out there that provide a variety of ways to help facilitate communication between parents, the cost incurredin using these programs can prove problematic for parties who already cannot comfortably afford to pay for legal services. In the past, I have mentioned these services to my clients, and, while they seemed interested in the concept, they were more concerned about the expense and whether the other parent could afford it or would even be willing to use it.

As I walked through “Start Up Ally” at Techshow, I stumbled upon OurChildInfo.com (OCI). This private and secure website was created by Aaron Carine, a family law attorney from Illinois who was exasperated with the self-destructive behaviors of his clients when it came to communication. Carine’s website offers some of the same advantages of other communication-centered websites, but at a fraction of the price. With this website, there will be no more “lost phones” or “deleted messages”. No more constant struggle of getting clients to print out, line by line, their communications with the other party. Nothing can be deleted, and everything is timestamped with date and author. Clients can even post documents and photographs. Almost immediately after the demonstration, I fell in love. This website was a potential solution to a daily problem plaguing my clients going through divorce and custody battles! And it costs only $7.50 a month for the first parent who signs up, with the second parent getting free access.

Within two weeks of returning to Oklahoma after three enlightening days in Chicago, I was able to implement some of this fantastic legal technology that I had discovered. Soon after my return, I was counseling a client who is struggling to co-parent effectively due to toxic communication habits. After trying, admittedly in vain, to explain the various apps that allow users to screenshot texts and give some instructions on how to work a printer, I told her about OCI. Once she understood, she was so excited to finally block her ex and refer him to this affordable new communication tool. Seeing how this client responded to the program makes me even more excited to spread that excitement and peace-of-mind to my other clients.

It was an honor to attend the 2019 ABA Techshow. The experience has reinforced my belief that all law schools and firms should be open to new and emerging technology, andembrace the ways that these programs help make the practice of law more efficient and cost effective. But, more importantly, the legal community should adopt these programs for their ability to help us serve the clients who need us most.

Tommy Pfeil, 2L

As a first-generation law student, I came into my 1L year with very little knowledge of what work a lawyer actually does. I assumed that lawyers took meetings with clients, read legal textbooks and tried to come up with solutions to legal problems. I can confidently say, now, that I knew nothing.

Even without even working in a law firm yet, I know that a lawyer has to be able to bill, run payroll, manage cases, keep an orderly schedule, draft documents, manage staff, evaluate clients, bring new clients in, and so much more. In the sea of tasks that a firm has to do to stay afloat, there are always opportunities to drown. And even though I know there are solutions and processes that make these tasks more manageable so that lawyers can spend more time with clients and less time doing medial tasks, I don’t know how to use most of them.

Even with resources like the Digital Initiative that OU Law offers, podcasts, and bogs, it is difficult to keep up with what tools and practices are actually helpful and which ones do little more than complicate issues. So the question is: How do law students learn how to be lawyers? Currently, the answer is that we intern and work for a firm during the summers and then learn different practice methods as associates.

While this system has endured over the years, perhaps it is time to rethink our educational structure. Why shouldn’t law students learn about different business models as ways to run a firm? Why shouldn’t we at least have the chance to experience different models before committing to one immediately after passing the bar?

In my opinion, law students and firms alike would benefit from integrating a practice management course in law schools. Not only would students graduate with a better understanding of the business side of law firms, but they would graduate while being readily qualified to actually help with running the firm. More and more firms are expecting students to graduate and be proficient in using software such as Word and other technologies. It does not seem like a broad leap to expect them to also know how to run practice management software.

Granted, some courses that have long been taught in law schools would be displaced or condensed. For some, that sacrifice may not be worth adopting new curriculum that also strays from the typical course structure of law classes. However, for law schools that are focused on creating the best possible lawyers for practice rather than law review writers, judges, and clerks, this would be a reasonable sacrifice.

Students are already exposed to the theoretical and ideological aspects of law in their traditional courses. I will admit that these classes are vital so that graduates leave with a deep understanding of the law itself. I don’t want to be misinterpreted as saying that the law school structure needs to be scrapped. Instead, I think that small changes like this could add to the already rich education that students receive. Not only would we gain the academic value already provided by law schools, but we would have the knowledge to go out and create value in the legal market immediate after graduation. Firms could spend less money training new associates. New graduates could begin earning higher rates sooner in order to pay of student debt. Schools could use their success in these courses as a reflection of the value they offer both prospective students and firms looking to hire new associates.

I know that law school is not a trade school. I don’t want to see schools abandon their academic structure either. All I am advocating for is that schools, filled with professors who have experience practicing law in most cases, offer a semester of insight to the business side of law. I, and so many others, have recognized the value that these courses may provide for students, schools, and firms if it were to be provided.

Going into TECHSOW, I was excited. To have the opportunity as a 1L student at The University of Oklahoma College of Law in and of itself both energized and intimidated me. I knew it would be an experience that not many students would get, not to mention that some lawyers may never attend either.

At the end of the show, I am exhausted, sore, tired, and overwhelmed. Yet, I cannot wait to, hopefully, do it again. With that said, here are the most valuable things I came away with as a law student.  Continue Reading 6 Benefits of TECHSHOW from a Law Student

As I was watching the Chicago skyline become smaller and smaller out of the window on the plane ride home, I couldn’t help but think of how big an opportunity it was to be able to learn from, and network with, the absolute best in the business at ABA TECHSHOW.

This year’s show was bigger than ever and I did my best to take full advantage. Not only did I have the chance to participate in sessions about artificial intelligence, blockchain, and a discussion about whether law students should be taught to code, I had the opportunity to represent the Univesity of Oklahoma College of Law in a panel interview for the Legal Talk Network. The interview was posted to their podcast network, in addition to the Young Lawyers Division and Law Student Division of the ABA media outlets. Listen to the podcast here! Continue Reading TECHSHOW 2019 Recap

Less than 24 hours before OU Law is “wheels-up” on our way to Chicago for the 2019 ABA TECHSHOW, and I could not be more excited. Not only will this be my first time attending the conference, but this will actually be my first trip to Chicago, assuming layovers at O’Hare don’t count.

Chicago has been on my “short list” of cities to visit for a few years, but especially since starting law school. Chicago is one of the country’s most prominent hubs for intellectual property law – my chosen specialty – making it an even more exciting trip outside of the great things I’ve heard about last year’s TECHSHOW experience.

Prior to attending law school, technology and the efficient integration of technology, was a major part of my work as an electrical engineer; both in the design process and the nature of the projects I was responsible for. I have seen first hand the efficiencies that can be realized through thoughtful integration of technology and developing a working knowledge of how the technology operates. Alternatively, I have seen the handicaps on productivity as a result of poorly-executed integration projects. Continue Reading TECHSHOW 2019 is almost here!

We are days away from the 2019 ABA TECHSHOW and I can already feel the excitement brewing on the OU College of Law campus. Last year’s TECHSHOW was nothing short of amazing. The only thing that rivaled the education I received in Chicago was the ability to network with some of the most influential thought-leaders in legal tech.  This year, since I know a little more about what to expect,  I thought I would share my goals for this year’s trip to Chicago.



Last year I was honored to be selected to attend TECHSHOW as a 1L. Looking back at how far I have come in my legal career, I realize how green I truly was. This year, I have begun narrowing down my practice area and have started taking steps to develop my skills accordingly. Continue Reading OU Law at the 2019 ABA TECHSHOW